

PDF Files

You can download to your computer a PDF file of all solutions to each of the Pentomino Jigsaw Puzzles.

The 10 x 6 puzzle has 2339 solutions which can be downloaded by clicking here:  10 x 6

The 8 x 8 puzzle has 16146 solutions which can be downloaded by clicking here: 8 x 8


Windows Program

If you have a Windows PC, you  may wish to download the program “FreePentominoes”, which will allow you to display and print all solutions to 5 puzzles, the 10 x 6 (2339 solutions) and 8 x 8 (16154 solutions) which correspond to the two puzzles available from this site, plus the 12 x 5 (1010 solutions), 15 x 4 (368 solutions) and 20 x 3 (2 solutions).

You can specify the size of the Pentominoes to be printed, and should you wish to try your hand at making your own Pentominoes puzzles, this program will provide you with a pattern of suitable size.

To get your copy of the program “FreePentominoes”, click here.  This will download a setup program “SetupFreePentominoes.exe”, and executing this program will set in motion a standard installation.  This should be quite straightforward, but if you should experience any difficulty, feel free to drop me a line at sales@turtleteasers,com.

“Anti-virus” software installed on your Windows PC may prevent you from downloading a .exe file.  If you are unable to circumvent this, send me an email at sales@turtleteasers,com and I can deliver the program to you in an alternative format.